Level 3 The EUREKA Moment
In the end of 2nd level, they realize the main problem is not in system. They realize that we can get profit even only use simple sistem like moving average without other indicator if they can exploit their brain and right money management.
They started read psycologichal trading book, and identified with the carachter that explain in this book, finally the enlightenment is come.
They realize one important thing, that we cant predict what happen in market in 30 second later acurately. They are have one system now then moidify this system , so it can appropiate with their character and can give more profit than the original system.
They only started trade if probability to profit is greater than to loss, they only trade if they get signal from their system, they use stoploss,because they know this is risk in trade and they know it can prevent loss become margin call.
When the position get stoploss, they dont be emotional because nobody cant predict it, and this is not their foult. In the next trade they believe the probability to profit is much greater because they know that their system is profitable.
The already realize that in trading, the important thing i.e. consistency in system, psycologichal trading and their money monegement. And their discipline to follow their signal system to trade, whatever happen in chart.
They begin understand about money mangement, 2% risk, and the other thing. And it remind 1 year ago when someone give advice about the same thing and yhey prefer to ignored it. It because they havent ready, but now they are ready. But only 5% trader from this level succesfully go up to next level (level 4).
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